Mill Hill and Meyers Briggs

Like the white rabbit it seems I’m perpetually behind these days. I’m also having problems loading certain sites including WordPress blogs. Many are painfully slow. I sometimes give up and try another day.  Has anyone else had this problem?  To cut back the lag on my own I lessened the number of posts displayed and deleted some widgets as per WP support and I hope it has helped.

I enjoy getting glimpses of the person behind a blog I follow by his or her unique images, words, and/or humour- and so I come to the personality test.  Though I’d like everything done yesterday, it seems I’m easily distracted! According to Meyer’s Briggs I  apparently, am an introvert and loner. Though friendly, INFP people can be in danger of becoming hermits!  Idealistic dreamers, INFP’s  are the quintessential “hippies.” They are attracted to sad things yet love an adventure- and according to the study are often writers (I like that one).  As  fellow blogger Disperser points out, our egos pick out the qualities we like to think describe us but that personality tests are not accurate analyses of who we are. Instead ask a family member (!) or someone who we’ve recently met what they think of us!  oh-oh!!

The test is based on  Meyers Briggs and Jungian typology and is not too long. My daughter did it and the results for hers even including her choice of career were uncanny. Anyway it’s fun so here is the test site.   Let me know what you are!!

And here is my dreamer’s vision of the beautiful woodland.  There are two paths, one flat, that meanders with the creek and one with a gentle (ha!) incline to the summit of Mill Hill. The one right behind my deck is the foot of  the hill which I have yet to climb. I’m getting to the stage where I don’t want to climb every mountain but I will still follow every forest path and ford a few streams.

Juniper jennifer best2sharp


Jennifer Juniper, lives upon the hill
Jennifer Juniper, sitting very still
Is she sleeping? I don’t think so
Is she breathing? Yes, very low
Whatcha doing, Jennifer, my love?- Donovan Leitch 


Go down to the squinty woods- for Leanne’s MM 3-22
the twilight veil

the consummate love and flower child- Donovan- let’s smoke those bananas (or whatever)

lots still to do =







INFP hard at work

62 Comments Add yours

  1. afairymind says:

    I knew what result I’d get even before I did the test – INFP. 🙂 I think there are quite a lot of us inhabiting the blogosphere! Gorgeous pictures, as always, Cybele. And I’ve always loved the song ‘Jennifer Juniper’, as well. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes, many writers and dreamers here- sister INFP!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Peter Nena says:

    Cybele, I am an INTJ.

    I love that Donovan Leitch poem. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh I like that type! much more discriminating I think! 😀 But you are a dreamer too! Hope you are well Peter. It’s good to hear from you. I’m going ever so slowly since the move!!


  3. I hope your unpacking is going well, I can see by that last picture you’re working hard 🙂 I once took a test at work and they said it was just as well I had empathy otherwise I’d be a complete recluse. But according to the test I’m an INFJ, a popular choice judging by the comments!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh yes we are sisters in spirit I think only perhaps you may be more organized lol. INFJ’s are the rarest I believe and they are protectors! I think this is definitely you! I am very behind in things still!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Cybele! There’s no hurry, just take it slow 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. katieprior says:

    Lovely images, I especially like the fern with the dreamy blur and as a INTJ, I will take it apart and find out how you did it! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. so pleased you liked it Katie. thank you!

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  5. lauramacky says:

    I got: ENFJ – which makes sense. I’m a person of many conflicts so I’m not surprised I came out pretty much in the middle with the introvert/extrovert label.
    Extravert(3%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(16%) Judging(12%)
    You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (3%)
    You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
    You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (16%)
    You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (12%)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. you are the hero, the protagonist!! I wish I was a little more extroverted!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lauramacky says:

        Yeah but only a tiny bit!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Norma says:

    Oh, such a beautiful picture. It does seem like one is in a forest or something.
    It seems the test would be interesting…will do it when I’ll have some time. It’s a whole list…
    The WP was slow for me as well but I thought it is to do with my network or PC. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you very much Norma and for validating this slowness of WP!!


  7. According to the test I’m ESFJ…it hits pretty close to home. 🙂

    I love the images and light.

    I’m still behind too…we’ll get there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. aha! the provider or the consul!! Good one Deb! Thanks for the heads up- yes hopefully – though lateness is one of my personality traits lol!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. robert87004 says:

    INFJs are distinguished by both their complexity of character and the unusual range and depth of their talents. Yes, that’sounds me. Hahaha 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes sometimes called “the advocate” I believe!!

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  9. Christy B says:

    I love those images 🙂 I sometimes think I’m an introvert and other times I’m extroverted, depending on the situation, lol! Oh and I’ve read other posts recently in which bloggers explain they are frustrated with slow loading sites, so you are not alone. Sending hugs (slow loading or not, hehe) ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks Christy! Yes now I know it’s not just me with the slowness!! Let’s blame shaw or telus lol! I am totally introvert but I am still very friendly toward people. My daughter is a complete extrovert!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. landacrystal says:

    I ´ve been having trouble as well pretty much but mostly when displaying Blogloving not so much wordpress. And I am an INFJ. Three out of four not bad 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes I like that personality type (INFJ). Pretty close!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Renee Espriu says:

    I did this test years ago now and found it to be interesting. I am very much like you are and have an odd mix of OCD and ADHD mixed in. I love to watch people scaling mountains on TV but would rather cross a stream or take a path in real life. Nice post and pics.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I also have a touch of those esp ADD!! 😀 Thanks Renee!!

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  12. Catherine Blackfeather says:

    PS – I’ve never been able to cope with WordPress, so my real blog is on
    but when I comment it brings up my wordpress failed attempt. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love your posts there! Though I am way behind these days!


  13. Catherine Blackfeather says:

    Yes- I got so much from fining my M-b type, which is INFJ. I felt for the first time in my life, I was somehow ALLOWED to be who I am.
    🙂 /me waves to the dreamy INFP :))

    Liked by 2 people

    1. thank you so much Catherine. I’d like to be notified when you write a blog post and am not sure how that works on Blogger! INFJ! The Advocate!


  14. milliethom says:

    I strongly suspect that if I did this test, the result would be very similar to yours. 🙂 I’ve always been an introvert and don’t have a problem with spending hours in my own company doing things I love to do, like writing. Having said that, I’ve really enjoyed having a blog and connecting with people all round the world. Many are obviously very outgoing, extroverted people, whose confidence and ‘go-getter’ personalities almost bounce off their pages. But the people I spend so long talking to, come across as much more reserved and sensitive types.
    I absolutely loved Donovan’s songs when I was younger, and still do although they aren’t played nowadays as much as they were in the ’60s. His songs all had a lovely dreamy sound to them, and I do remember him singing ‘Jennifer Juniper’.
    I’ll have a look at the test and see what it comes up with for me.
    I hope you continue to enjoy following every forest path and fording a few streams. That’s what makes life wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Enjoy the test! I’m with you. It is fun to connect with so many folk in so many places. I get inspired by so many! I love meaningful conversation and such. YouTube is great for looking up people and obscure songs etc. I always love old folk songs and such as those collected in the Child Ballads. Thanks so much for your support Millie!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Mark Simms says:

    Beautifully dream-like as ever Cyb

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Adrian Lewis says:

    Sorry, totally busy so no time for the test at the moment, Cybele, and anyway I don’t want to break it. Not climbing every mountain seems the way to go to me, isn’t it something like something I’ve long thought >>> “there are many experiences in Life but they’re not all worth having”. WP comes and goes with its troubles, but its never a nippy loader. Love the squinty woods mono here. A 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. no worries Adrian lol! love your quote here! thanks for popping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Ali Isaac says:

    Wow I know it IS magical in the forest, but you make it look even more magical with your beautiful images and clever use of light and shadow… gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. so many thanks Ali- I’m a bit slower these days but it’s all good!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ali Isaac says:

        Yes indeed!

        Liked by 1 person

  18. sixpixx says:

    Well, it says INTP, which is fine… But, I wish I were as conscientious as that suggests. Haha, procrastinating again. Lovely wooded photos.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ha ha! I’m a huge procrastinator until I’m galvanized and then it’s go go!!


  19. I also have issues with WordPress especially the list of blogger friend, suddenly they all disappear from friends list, so I need to subscribe again. I hope your problem will be solved as soon as Cybele. Thanks a lot for INFP information. Have a nice weekend Cybele.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. WP can be frustrating at times! Thank you Della!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think so 🙂 Cybele

        Liked by 1 person

  20. DG Hardy says:

    You are a such a brightness! xo DG


    Liked by 1 person

    1. so many thanks DG!!!


  21. Pieter Navis says:

    INFP.. and this one hits right at the spot Cybele: I think INFPs like meaningful conversation
    so true.. random chatter is sometimes just too much 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh yes! thanks Pieter!

      Liked by 1 person

  22. smilecalm says:

    beautifully dreamy
    as always 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Sherry Felix says:

    I am having trouble with WP sites too. Some will not open and I am also getting warning that they content is dangerous. I will ask them about this.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Sue says:

    Oh, and WP is slow at present….

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Sue says:

    Houma….I have done a number of different types of test in the past, but can’t remember what the result s were now, but there were some interesting ones…. For now, I’ll just get on with life, forming friendships and enjoying new experiences

    Liked by 1 person

    1. that’s the best to do!!

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  26. riverpearl says:

    I’m having trouble with WordPress loading too and my site is fairly minimal.

    I have always tested as an INFP. It’s interesting that two of the people I spend the most time with in SL are also INFP’s which I didn’t know for a while. We can spend hours talking and we do so often. I don’t feel like being a loner when they’re online.

    I used to like sad things but I don’t anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Pearl! Your blog is fine for me but others are so slow sometimes I just give up. I try again another day as they say. Isn’t that interesting about personalities! we find similar folk to ourselves! I visited Elle’s show by the way- very fascinating effects with that program!! Thank you for blogging about it.

      Liked by 1 person

  27. disperser says:

    So, you want to know about my test? It just so happens that I took a test yesterday at the convention I’m attending. The test was set up to match you with a character in the Star Trek Universe (i.e. using the score you get to match you with a score a character in the series would have based on their actions).

    The problem? They could not score me.

    I ended up exactly equal parts E/I and exactly equal parts J/P, a smidgen more S than N, and a solid T.

    So, what am I? They could not tell me. Your online link (and most I’ve taken in the past) score me as INTJ, but the emphasize “moderate”.

    The problem with these tests is that the questions themselves can lead to differing answers depending on how they are interpreted.

    Here’s a decent critique of the Briggs-Meyer test:

    My own personal opinion of the tests — after extensive reading and research — is that it’s not much more valid than personalities defined based on astrological signs (I’m a Leo, therefore a leader, therefore, I’m confident I am right, so don’t even bother arguing with me).

    Ultimately, I think people look for anything that validates their self-image. For instance, I can read about INTJs here:

    . . . and without even realizing it, I will nod in places I agree and skim over or ignore parts that don’t fit (most people do this without realizing it).

    But, if you really want to know who/what/how you are, ask one friend, one enemy, and a person you’ve only just recently met. They will tell you your best qualities, your worst quality, and generic qualities you exhibit when at your most guarded. Mesh them all together, and voila’!

    Hmmm . . . I should call that the Disperser-Tracks test.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. haha! They are just fun! One family member got “the debater” and that was bang on and we all hooted and told her to shut up! However, my daughter’s was uncannily correct. And mine was interesting as I do love writing and sad things! 😀 and I’ve often thought about becoming a hermit! Yes let me know if your test is written and I’ll take it!lol!
      INTJ’s are quite rare I think!


    1. aha, the tomboy virtuoso!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I knew you had a noble heart! The advocate!

      Liked by 1 person

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